Sedentary waist injury? Practice this set of yoga every day, and there will be no pain in the waist for thousands of years

Share 9 simple yoga postures to relieve low back pain after sitting for a long time.


Stretching against the wall can relax the hips and the back of the legs, sit and stand facing the wall, put both hands behind the hips, bend the left knee, keep the left heel close to the right hip, straighten the right leg, keep the toes hooked back, the closer the legs are to the wall, the stronger the stretching feeling, and maintain 8 breaths.

Change sides.


Yoga_in kneels and stands, The knees are slightly wider than the hips, the big toes touch each other, the hips sit back on the heels, the arms stretch forward, and the forehead is placed on the floor for 1 minute.


Standing stretching can relax the quadriceps femoris and hip flexor, stand against the wall on the side, shift the weight to the right foot, put the right hand on the wall, lift the left foot at the same height as the shoulder, hold the tip of the left foot with the left hand, and keep the knees together, Pull the left heel to the buttocks and keep 8 breaths.

Change sides.


The bridge variant can release the pressure around the buttocks.

Lie on your back, bend your knees, keep your feet apart and close your wide knees together, put your hands on the iliac bone, close your eyes and relax for 1 minute.


Strengthen the gluteal muscle prone position, bend your elbows, overlap your palms up and down, put your forehead on your arms, stretch your legs back and inhale, and tighten your gluteal muscles, Keep 8 breaths in the midline and repeat for 10 times.


One leg knee to chest posture can relax the hip flexor and gluteus maximus supine, straighten and bend the right knee forward, clasp the right knee with ten fingers, pull the right knee to the chest, and press the left hip down to keep 8 breaths.

Change sides.


Exhaust style release the lower back to relieve the tension of sacroiliac joint.

Lie on your back, bend your knees, put your legs together, and hold the front of your knees with your hands, Pull the knee to the chest, keep the head and shoulders on the cushion surface, and relax the neck for 1 minute.


Lie on your back, twist your spine, bend your knees, draw your legs together and exhale, twist your body to the left, put your knees on the left cushion surface, put your left hand on your thigh, deepen the torsion, keep your shoulders on the cushion surface, press down your shoulder blades for 1 minute, and change sides..

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