New Yoga Life

What happens if you don’t practice yoga for a month?

Add the teacher’s wechat to watch the teacher’s circle of friends ~ I haven’t practiced yoga for a month.

What kind of rush back to “before liberation” in January?! I haven’t practiced yoga for a month.

I can’t even touch my toes.

I haven’t practiced yoga for a month.

I can’t do a balance pose.

It’s like catching my feet in dancing.

I haven’t practiced yoga for a month.

I can’t do a twist pose.

There’s too much meat.

I can’t turn around.

I haven’t practiced yoga for a month.

I feel like I’ll fall back as soon as the wind blows.

I haven’t practiced yoga for a month.

I can’t push my hands and feet.

My old waist is too hard.

I haven’t practiced yoga for a month.

I can do a boat type hand shake.

My legs shake.

The meat on my stomach is shaking The face is so ferocious that the teacher dare not look at the little partner who hasn’t practiced yoga for a month.

He found that all kinds of difficult shapes of the little partner who often practices next to him can be easily solved.

He has dumped me for several blocks.

He hasn’t practiced yoga for a month.

After a class, he breathes all kinds of chaos.

At the moment of lying in the corpse posture, he vowed that he won’t dare not practice yoga for a month.

Practicing and not practicing the body will give you the most honest display – Message Award – today’s topic: practice or not, the body will give you the most honest display.

Talk about your experience ~ welcome to leave a message.

Before 12:00 on April 25, we will select the most lucky fans from the selected messages and send out the following 10 sets of shaping / physiotherapy courses for permanent review.


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