Women’s strength yoga has several advantages, with different beauty

The fate of yoga, I can’t remember from which moment, the accidental encounter, will follow all the way, from then on, I and you, you and yoga, have a new world.

Everyone’s pursuit of beauty is different.

Ying is an art teacher.

In her life, she obviously has a unique perspective on the matching of clothing colors.

Every time she comes to Princess air yoga, she brings a refreshing feeling to her sisters.

The colorful clothes and new styles of Ying can show her love and randomness for life, but she said that she was not good at releasing and sharing before she came to yoga, It was yoga that let her see that the transmission of the original beauty can make herself happier, so we are honored to share Ying’s happiness when traveling with her mother.

I think the sisters really feel her love! As a result, more and more people practice yoga, but strength yoga has been rejected by many people because they are afraid that if they practice more, they will become muscular.

In fact, this is a misunderstanding.

Strength yoga has many benefits.

Through practicing strength yoga, we can achieve super shape shaping effect and have different beauty.

Let’s see what benefits and effects strength yoga has! 01 improve the basic metabolic rate strength exercise can be carefully carved according to the strength of various parts of the body, so as to make the body symmetrical and more feminine.

Bone strength and resistance will be improved during exercise.

03 enhance immunity and delay aging skeletal muscle is the main place for the synthesis of glutamine in the human body.

It contains a variety of enzymes related to body metabolism and plays an important role in maintaining the function of the human immune system.

04 increase muscle, avoid muscle loss, increase the muscle content of girls, your skin will become more compact, the overall body shape will be more concave and convex, and make you look thin when wearing clothes.

05 increase self-confidence, self-confident women are the most beautiful.

When you pour out a strong body and beautiful body with hard sweat, a sense of harvest and satisfaction will involuntarily flow into your heart, making you feel comfortable and confident.

06 to improve psychological tolerance, strength training needs the courage to challenge difficulties and overcome self, which not only improves the physical shaping, but also improves the psychological quality of the practitioner.

Some women worry that strength training will become muscular, which is too much to worry about.

First of all, the male hormone content that promotes muscle growth in women is much lower than that in men, so let’s become beautiful together! About love WeChat official account, little Sina player, micro-blog micro-blog, your beloved..

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