How can you breathe more effectively during yoga?

“Yoga people measure the length of life by the number of breaths, not how many years they have lived.” – Swami Sivananda Yoga always confuses novices.

From what to wear and what level of yoga to practice, many people practice intermediate or advanced yoga from the beginning.

Or don’t know how to breathe effectively.

You know it’s hard to focus on breathing at first.

However, asana practice requires correct breathing, helps calm the mood, creates internal peace, and makes your practice safe and effective.

The breath of yoga is the energy of life.

If you are new to yoga or want to take your practice a step closer, here are five techniques to make you breathe effectively in Yoga: 1.

Distinguish and understand different breathing methods.

In yoga classes, you will often hear the teacher ask you to do “ukayi” breathing or “ocean” breathing.

“Ocean” breathing is to shrink the back of your throat, make your inhalation and exhalation sound like waves, and help you breathe slower, deeper and more smoothly.

Taking time out of class to learn how to breathe can help you breathe better in class.

Choose a comfortable and quiet place, close your eyes and practice breathing.

Inhale, recite “5” in your heart, stop, and then exhale to count to “5”.

Try to breathe in and out smoothly.

Once you’re comfortable, try counting to more numbers.

2 breathe through the nose, breathe through the nose, help find the center, let you focus on the present and keep your mind and body calm.

Nose breathing helps you stabilize your heart rate and body temperature.

3 breathing in asanas sometimes when you are doing a challenging yoga asana, you will hear the teacher say “bring your breathing into asanas” or “breathe to where your body is tense”.

Breathing can guide you to challenging poses and help you relax in poses.

Understand why your breathing is short.

When you change from conscious deep breathing to short breathing, it is actually the body telling you to take a break.

When this happens, listen to your body and understand where it’s stuck and how to get energy through there.

Be nice to yourself.

When it’s time to rest, your body will tell you.

5 focus, let your breath guide you.

When you let your breath guide you in asana, you can increase your awareness of body feelings and establish a stronger connection with yourself: self-awareness and self-confidence.

In this way, yoga will become more an internal connection, not just a movement of various postures.

Conscious breathing means that you are activating different parts of the brain, especially the cerebral cortex.

When you breathe consciously, you activate the cerebral cortex, which will make you more relaxed, not only on the yoga mat, but also in life.

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