Yoga practice log Issue 9 (Part 2)

Practice log — Issue 9 (Part 2) how to draw graphics “drawing method” enables the mind to track the method and path of breathing.

Make the subtle integration of breath, mind and body.

Generally speaking, breathing is designed in several large areas of the body.

This is set according to the position of “five Qi”.

They are: 1 Shoulders, throat and head – Udana’s ascending residence 2 Thorax and lateral ribs – the residence of prana’s vital qi 3 Transversely to the navel – the residence of Qi in Samana 4 Navel to pelvic floor – Apana’s downward breath residence 5 Flow in the whole body – vayana’s residence for breathing is designed to breathe in one area or all areas according to our physical or psychological needs during each exercise.

For example, in Tuesday’s class, we mainly work on the navel, which is related to Samana and Apana.

We choose “cylindrical shape” and “spiral shape” when conditioning the Qi while living, while “inverted cone” is more often used when conditioning the downward Qi.

Half moon pose is generally considered as a pose that acts on the hip joint.

When breathing is applied to the upper chest and shoulders, it can become a special half moon pose for the development of Udana and prana energy.

The technique of opening the chest and breathing will develop and deepen each other.

Guruji said a very interesting sentence: Yoga is based on condition.

The practice of asana is like asana traffic control (ATC).

The factors of “body”, “breathing” and “mind” should be considered to improve the passing rate under different road conditions (the body, breathing and mind have obtained a harmonious and smooth flow state through practice).

This is the wisdom of yoga.

Lifelong learning..

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