It is said that there are two kinds of people in yoga class. Which one are you? (sentence by sentence)

Add a wechat circle of friends with teachers to watch the teachers ~ I have seen a lot in the yoga studio.

It is concluded that there are two kinds of people in the yoga class to see which one you are? Go to the classroom in advance to meditate and stretch (chattering) vs.

arrive at the classroom a few minutes after the class.

Come to the yoga studio every day to punch in, More punctual than going to work vs coming back on time vs disappearing for a month; wishing to be abused by the teacher; helping the teacher; loving and hating vs; hoping that the teacher would be far away from the teacher; yelling to stop without bringing a mobile phone into the classroom; vs going to class without touching the mobile phone for several times; just wanting to sit in the front row vs; wishing to get back to his feet for more than ten minutes; vs sweating without a few drops of sweat after a class; vs keeping practicing on an empty stomach for more than ten minutes before class The vs who makes even breathing sound during the practice of eating bread will hold his breath if he is not careful, One step is to be careful and gasp for breath.

The one who has not practiced yoga is to be relaxed.


the one who has practiced lotus for thousands of years is also reluctant.

If he can’t do it, it’s enough.


the one who can’t do it and wants to break it hard.

“Teacher, I want to try” vs “teacher, I can’t” As soon as you lie down, it’s like sleeping in a dark VS2 minutes, you get up and leave after class vs various concave shapes, various photos, asking teachers all kinds of questions after class but not hungry vs.

rewarding yourself with a dessert after leaving the yoga studio.

The above content is pure entertainment.

You can check your number and take your seat seriously.

I also heard that there are only two kinds of people who practice yoga vs.

those who do not practice yoga.

Which one are you? Yoga road video number ▼ recent good articles ▼ points.

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