Summer solstice Yoga regimen: nourishing the heart, calming the mind and regulating the cardiopulmonary function

The summer solstice is the 10th of the twenty-four solar terms.

The summer solstice has a hot climate.

It is a season for all things to flourish.

It is also a period when the body’s Yang Qi is at its peak and metabolism is vigorous.

The principle of diet after the summer solstice is to “nourish Yang in spring and summer”, and the key to nourish Yang is to “nourish the heart”.

You can drink more milk and eat more bean products, chicken, lean meat, etc.

to nourish your heart and achieve the effect of strengthening your heart.

In addition to a light diet, the summer solstice can also eat more bitter vegetables, such as balsam pear, coriander, etc.

Bitter food has the functions of removing dryness and dampness, cooling and relieving summer heat, promoting diuresis and blood circulation, relieving fatigue, diminishing inflammation and fever, clearing the heart and eyes, and promoting appetite.


Massage Shenmen acupoints to maintain health.


Massage Shenmen acupoints can achieve the effects of nourishing the heart, calming the mind and adjusting the quality of sleep.


Plucking and pressing Jiquan point can effectively treat various heart diseases, such as myocarditis, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, palpitation, heartache, etc.

02 use yoga to dredge the meridians to maintain health 1.

Upper dog pose: open the chest, strengthen the cardiopulmonary function, and regulate the spleen and stomach function.


Bridge: open the chest, strengthen the cardiopulmonary function, tighten the muscles of the waist, thighs and buttocks, and strengthen the strength of the waist, buttocks and legs.


Upward bow: strengthen the flexibility of the spine, effectively stretch the body, nourish the heart, and open the chest.


Fish pose: head on the ground, shoulder blades adduction.

Open shoulders to reduce abdominal fat.

Stretch and stimulate abdominal organs and throat…

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