New Yoga Life

10 Yoga asanas can regulate the intestines and stomach, reduce abdominal distension and relieve constipation!

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! Constipation can be uncomfortable and frustrating, but yoga can solve your problem! Yoga can also help promote oxygen circulation and blood flow, and relieve stool movement through the body.

More importantly, yoga is a good way to reduce stress.

Once you start practicing these shapes regularly, you should notice that your bowel movements will become regular patterns.

Today, I share ten postures to relieve constipation.

As the name suggests, this posture helps release any suppressed gas from the body, and also helps alleviate indigestion and acid reflux.

Action: hands together, hands flat on the back.

When you use both hands to pull the right knee cover to your chest, exhale and press your thigh into your abdomen.

As you exhale, lift your head and chest off the mat / floor so that your chin contacts your right knee.

As you exhale, tighten your knees so that the pressure on your chest increases.

As you breathe in, relax a little.

Exhale again and put your legs and arms back on the ground.

Repeat on the other side, then pull both legs to your chest.

Butterfly pose this pose can also relieve painful cramps or gasses.

In addition, butterfly pose is a stress breaker, which is very suitable for your overall digestion.

Action: first bend your legs at your knees, so that the soles of your feet meet, and the heels are as close to your body as possible.

Keep your tailbone firmly against the wall.

Let your thighs relax.

If your thighs are high off the ground and you need Pillows / cushions to support your thighs, use them.

Inhale and feel chest expansion while filling with air.

Exhale, and as you do so, press both thighs outward and downward onto the floor.

Your feet must remain pressed together and your back firmly against the wall.

Release the position by straightening the knees and extending the legs.

This position gives a deep abdominal massage to the intestines and other abdominal organs.

It is beneficial for people with constipation, slow liver or weak digestion.

When you are constipated, the back strengthening effect helps eliminate fatigue.

Action: sit on a mat or folded blanket to support your hips, with your legs extended in front.

Rotate each hip and shake, pulling apart the other sitting bone as you do so.

Your upper thighs must be gently rotated and pressed into the floor.

Press the palms and fingertips into the floor at the same time, and raise the sternum to the ceiling.

When you lean forward from your hips, your arms are fully extended, your elbows are straight, your hands are on your feet, and your thumbs are on the soles of your feet, breathe.

Don’t lean on your waist.

Feel your tailbone lengthen.

If you cannot straighten your feet with both hands, use a strap around your feet and secure it.

Gently bend forward to extend the front torso and keep the head raised.

Your elbows must be bent to both sides and lifted off the floor.

If you hold the strap, release your hand, move your hand forward, and keep your arm long as you do so.

Feel your lower abdomen scrape your thighs, then your upper abdomen, and then your ribs.

Your head will finally touch your thigh.

With each breath, let your front torso rise and stretch slightly.

As you exhale, bend forward to release more.

Repeat for 1 to 3 minutes.

To exit the pose, gently lift the torso on your thighs and straighten your elbows.

Breathe as you lift your torso and pull your tailbone into your pelvis.

Spinal torsion this spinal distortion affects kidney and liver function and overall digestion.

Practice this twist regularly and you should see that your constipation eases.

Action: keep your legs upright in front of you, making sure your spine is straight and your feet are together.

Bend the left leg and place the heel on the right hip.

Next, place your right hand on the left knee cap.

Place your left hand on your right knee and your right hand behind you.

Twist from the waist to the right, then twist the shoulders, and finally the neck, exhale.

Gaze at your right shoulder.

Hold this position and keep your spine upright.

Hold in those positions for 30 seconds to a minute and breathe gently but for a long time.

Exhale and release your right hand, then relax your waist, then relax your chest and neck, and return to a relaxed straight position.

Repeat this sequence on the other side.

The plough position is an enhanced position that stimulates the abdominal organs and helps you digest food better.

It makes your back muscles stronger, relieves stress, and allows you to stop normal bowel movements.

Action: lie flat on your back with your arms on your sides and your palms facing down.

Breathe with your abdominal / core muscles and lift your feet off the ground at a 90 degree angle.

Breathe normally, support your hips and back with your hands, and then slowly lift them off the floor.

Now sweep your legs over your head so that your toes touch the floor above your head.

Your back should be vertical / perpendicular to the ground.

Hold this for a few seconds and let your body relax a little while you continue to breathe steadily.

Exhale as you release and put your legs back on the floor.

Cobra if this is a problem for you, it can help you digest the whole and relieve the gas.

Like the plow position, it can also strengthen the back muscles and spine.

Action: lie on a comfortable cushion, feet together, hands on shoulders, slightly down, palms on the ground.

Let your forehead gently touch the ground and slowly raise your head.

Do this when inhaling.

Use your nose and chin to guide.

Lift your chest off the floor and support yourself with your palms.

Make sure your back muscles strengthen them.

Take a deep breath and hold this position.

Breathe a few times.

Now go back to your starting position and exhale as you do so.

Again, lift yourself as you inhale.

This time, you should lift your entire torso.

Feel a gentle bend in the middle of the spine.

Again, take a deep breath and hold your position.

Take a few breaths before releasing the pose.

Return to the starting position on exhalation.

Bow pose this pose exerts internal pressure from the outside and helps defecate.

In fact, this is an overall exercise for your abdominal area.

Action: lie on your stomach and bend your knees..

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