New Yoga Life

A set of morning exercise Yoga can quickly stretch the meridians and make you energetic all day!

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! Yoga for women Yoga meets yoga and cultivates the body and mind.

Holographic breath, universal love.

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Because it usually sleeps in a fixed position at night, you need to exercise your stiff body when you wake up in the morning.

This morning exercise Yoga includes stretching, side stretching, shoulder opening and back bending.

Let you accumulate energy quickly and start a beautiful day.

It is recommended to do three times of sun salutation to warm up, cooperate with breathing, stretch your body, and strengthen core strength, arm and back muscles.


Low lunge.

Bend forward from standing, put your hands on both sides of your feet.

Withdraw your left foot and take a big step backward, with the instep of your calf touching the ground.

Your right calf is vertical to the ground, and your back remains extended.

Your hips are centered, your chest is up, and your eyes look ahead.

Keep 8-10 breaths, and change to the other side.


Side extension.

Stand in mountain pose, with your feet open and hip width.

Inhale to extend your spine, and your right hand grasps your left wrist.

Exhale, Bend your upper body to the right side.

Sink your shoulders, and stretch your waist on both sides at the same length.

Keep 8-10 breaths, and change the other side.


Double angle series.

Stand in mountain style, with your feet separated by one leg.

Inhale to extend your spine, exhale, and bend your body forward.

Cross your fingers behind your body, away from your body.

Exhale, your body is close to your legs, bend your elbows.

Your hands and feet are in a straight line, Keep your head down to the ground.

Keep 8-10 breaths.

Bend your right knee, and move your weight to the right.

Straighten your left leg, keep your heels close to the ground, and hook your toes back.

Your arms drive your spine forward.

Keep 8-10 breaths, and switch to the other side.


Dolphin pose.

Enter downward dog pose, with your hands folded and elbows bent.

Press the cushion with your forearms, and lift your hips up.

Walk straight with your legs, Reach the limit.

Relax the neck, step down the heels.

Tighten the core, and keep 8-10 breaths.


Kneel spine torsion.

Four corner bench, knees separated and hip width.

Hands and shoulders wide.

Inhale, spine extension.

Exhale, right arm passes under the left armpit.

Right shoulder is on the middle line of the body, left hand on the ground.

Keep 8-10 breaths, and change the other side.


Locust style.

Prone, Keep your feet as wide as your hips.

Clasp your fingers behind your hands.

Exhale and lift your chest and legs up at the same time.

Straighten your elbows and pull your shoulders back.

Extend your back and keep 8-10 breaths.



Lie on your stomach, bend your knees and heels close to your hips.

Grasp your ankles from the outside.

Inhale and lift your calves back and up.

Drive the whole body chest back and up.

Stretch your shoulders back, Chest open, neck relax.

Keep 8-10 breaths.


Camel variant.

Kneeling position, knees close together, calf instep close to the ground.

Hips sit to heels, hands behind the clasp.

Inhale, back extension, thoracic vertebrae up.

Exhale, hands drive shoulders backward.

Arms straight, keep 8-10 breaths.



Supine, hands on both sides of the body.

Feet open and hip width, Point your toes straight ahead.

Bend your knees close to your hips, and your legs are vertical to the ground.

Lift your hips up, and your chest up.

Press your shoulders against the ground, and keep 8-10 breaths.


Happy baby pose.

Lie on your back, bend your knees, and your thighs close to your abdomen.

Grasp the outside of your feet with both hands, and your small legs are vertical to the ground.

Your knees are separated larger than your hips, and your shoulders are relaxed downward.

Press the padding surface on your back, and keep 8-10 breaths.

11 Spread the body.

Lie on your back on the mat, straighten your legs in turn.

Your feet are the same width as your hips, and your toes are abducted.

Put your hands on both sides of your body, palms facing up.

Relax your body, and gently close your eyes Pay attention to internal breathing and keep it for 5-10 minutes.

The morning is the best time of the day.

As the saying goes, the plan of the day is in the morning.

If you can persist, on the one hand, you can cultivate your body and nature, on the other hand, you can exercise your muscles and bones and enhance your vitality! After reading it, please watch it before you leave 👍。.

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