New Yoga Life

Is Yoga still thick? That’s because you didn’t practice these poses!

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Yoga can build leg strength well and stretch to the calf at the same time, but most of the time, stretching is the thigh and calf.

Less attention has been paid to sharing a set of sequences of stretching the calf.

Have you ever practiced it at ordinary times? 1.

The downward dog variant starts from the downward dog pose, with ten fingers open and hips up, so that the body forms an inverted V-shape, the left leg remains straight, the right leg bends its knees and the left heel steps down, and maintains 8 breaths.

The two feet exchange dynamic exercise 10 groups 2.

The downward dog variant starts from the downward dog pose, the right leg remains straight, lifts the left foot, the left toe steps on the right heel to exhale, the left toe helps the right heel to press down and maintain 8 breaths, and the dynamic exercise 10 groups 3, sit up, bend forward, sit up, Stretch your legs forward and inhale, extend your spine upward and exhale, move your body forward and downward, first let your abdomen close to your thighs, and keep your toes hooked back for 8 breaths.


Four corner kneeling posture is a variant of kneeling posture.

Your hips and shoulders are separated from your hips.

Your shoulders are directly above your wrists, and your hips are directly above your knees.

Keep your arms and right legs motionless, lift your left leg backward, straighten your left leg, keep your toes hooked back, press your foot pillows downward, lift your heels, and move your hips slowly backwards, and keep 8 breaths, and switch sides 5, The variant of downward dog style starts from downward dog style, step down on the left heel and bend the right knee, find the tip of the nose on the right knee, tighten the abdomen and keep 8 breaths, and change sides to practice dynamically in 8 groups 6.

King Kong kneels and rolls a towel or blanket, kneels and puts his legs together, puts the towel on his calf, sits backward on his hips to his heels, and puts his hands on his thighs for 2 minutes.


Stand and bend the towel or brick forward and put it under the palms of his front feet to breathe in, and his arms drive his body up to extend and exhale.

Keep your body forward and down, slightly bend your knees so that your abdomen is close to your thighs, and naturally keep your head downward for 8 breaths.


Lie on your back with your hands grasping your big toes, and straighten your legs forward.

Bend your right knee with your hands grasping the tip of your right foot, pull your right leg toward the chest, and keep your left leg downward, and keep 8 breaths on the other side.


The low lunge variant starts from the low lunge, with your left knee not exceeding the tip of your foot, and your right hand on the floor, and place your left forearm under the cover of your left knee, and press your hips downward to keep 8 breaths, Repeat 8 groups of 10 on the other side, strengthen the side extension, start with the low lunge, straighten the left leg, adjust the distance between the feet, raise the right foot palm on the right hand, put the left hand under the right foot palm, keep the legs straight, and keep 8 breaths.

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