New Yoga Life

The common mistake of Yoga sun worship is adjustment, which must be collected! (attached drawing)

To practice yoga, as a warm-up sequence, the Sun Salutation is essential.

Sun Salutation seems simple, but many beginners of yoga are prone to make mistakes, resulting in body compensation.

Today, Xiaobian has compiled a complete set of Sun Salutation exercises and error correction moving picture tutorials.

Beginners of Yoga must collect them! 1、 The whole process of Sun Salutation 01.

Mountain pose: lift your arms up and stand in mountain pose, breathe in with your feet apart and hip width, lift your hands from the side of the body with palms facing each other.


Bend your breath forward, bend your hips forward, and then bend your knees forward, so you won’t squeeze your lumbar spine.


Bend forward – lower dog inhale, withdraw your legs back to the inclined plate exhale, and move your weight backward.

You can also jump from the forward bend to the lower dog directly when you enter the lower dog pose.


Lower dog – Snake inhale, Move the center of gravity forward to the inclined plate, bend your knees to the ground, bend your elbows, inhale from the chest, and the spine rolls forward like a wave.


Exhale from the snake to the lower dog, and push the center of gravity backward to the lower dog.


Exhale from the lower dog to the forward bend, walk forward with your legs back to the forward bend, exhale and deepen the forward bend, press your abdomen against your big legs.


Inhale from the forward bend to the mountain pose, lift your arms up, stand up and exhale, and fold your hands to the two or five wrong points in front of your chest.

01 Bending forward without turning the pelvis and squeezing the lumbar vertebrae leads to bowing back.

Solution: prepare two yoga bricks to support your hands and slightly bend your knees to fully feel the extension of the spine.


Inclined plate collapse the waist.

Inclined plate collapse the waist due to the forward inclination of the pelvis.

Solution: roll the tailbone downward, tighten the core to maintain the neutral position of the pelvis, and make the lumbar vertebrae comfortable.


Snake pose does not extend the spine.

Many people have low back pain because they do not extend the spine, Solution: inhale, first fully feel the lengthening of the spine, relax the hips, first feel the lengthening of the lumbar spine, and then go to the thoracic and cervical vertebrae to make space for the lumbar spine, so that there will be no back pain 04.

The lower dog arched back and the lower dog always arched back, and the spine does not extend.

Solution: when transitioning from the inclined plate to the lower dog, pay attention to bending the knee first, find the hip to bend backward and upward to complete the lower dog 05.

The lower dog shrugs, The solution to the pressure on the shoulders: keep the shoulders away from the ears, tighten the core, feel the back of the thighs, and help the spine extend.

The above five points are the most common problems for beginners when practicing the sun salutation.

We must pay attention to them.

Wrong practice will not only have no effect, but will bring harm!..

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