New Yoga Life

When practicing yoga, some people have settled a bill and dare not be lazy after reading it

Too hot not to practice too cold not to practice too early not to practice too late not to practice too full not to practice too hungry not to practice too far not to practice…

The physiological period has come to rest the new moon full moon to rest overtime not to practice sick not to practice yoga for all kinds of (lazy) reasons, there is no miracle, only more wonderful.

Even if you insist on yoga three times a week (it seems that there are many), someone will never be lazy after reading a bill! Yoga every week: 3 times a year Yoga: 144 times a year Yoga: 1 hour a year Yoga sharing: 144 hours is equivalent to 365 days a year only: 6 days of exercise! Are you surprised to see this figure? You said you were busy.

You didn’t have time? Do you still think tumbling is more important than yoga? Everything rises, but flesh droops! After many years, you will know that if you persist in practicing yoga, you will earn a lot! Whether on the level of physical health or on the level of psychological perception, they say that an apple a day keeps doctors away from you.

I say that one hour a day yoga keeps you away from the hospital.

The best “plastic knife” of yoga makes you more harmonious inside and outside.

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