Yoga practice: after 3 years, I decided to give up, and my knee hurts unbearably

When I’m free, I’ll take a look at the comments and messages below the article.

No matter what they say about people around me or my own experience, I believe they are all true.

In the comment area of the article “I have been doing yoga for one hour every day for three years, and my body is really bad”, I saw a message that made me very sad: I gave up practicing this year, and my knee hurts.

It didn’t hurt in the past years, but it began to hurt last year.

The following figure shows that before practicing yoga, we all heard or saw the benefits of practicing yoga to our bodies.

Therefore, we are willing to spend time, energy and money to do cards to practice yoga, but the result is contrary to our original intention.

Instead of getting what we want, we hurt our bodies.

For example, the friend who left a message to me had to give up yoga because of knee pain.

What is more painful is that there are many kinds of knee pain.

If it is a muscle problem, it will recover quickly.

If it is a ligament problem, it will recover slowly.

If it is a cartilage problem, it is almost irreversible.

For the time being, regardless of whether the friend’s knee pain is caused by yoga or not, I did encounter knee pain caused by practicing yoga and finally gave up.

Another friend told me that she had been practicing yoga for three years and liked it very much, but she had to give up because her knee hurt too much.

So today I want to talk with you about how to avoid knee injury in yoga practice.


The foundation is stable.

The foundation is the foundation of a asana.

We usually emphasize a lot, but not many people attach importance to it.

For a simple example, if you stand with a stable foundation and are pushed by an external force, you will only shake gently and will not fall.

If you have an unstable foundation, you may fall.

When many people practice yoga, you can see that their movements are not wrong, but their feet do not have the force to root down.

They float on the mat, just like a gourd and a ladle.


Starting hips, legs and core strength, we said that in addition to practicing Yin Yoga, every yoga posture is a combination of flexibility and strength, and we should find a balance between strength and flexibility.

For example, when we stand in the mountain posture, some people’s muscle strength is not activated, and they just rely on their bones to support her standing; While others will activate muscle strength, allowing muscles and bones to bear the weight of the body and support the body to stand.

The knee joint bears a large part of the weight of the human body.

Even if the weight of these two people is the same, the service life of the knee joint of a person who relies solely on bones to support the body is definitely longer than that of a person whose bones and muscles support the body.

If you don’t know the details of posture and always let the knee joint bear too much weight that he shouldn’t bear, the situation will be worse.

You will find that these two points are actually a group of opposing forces: the feet take root downward and the body extends upward.

Such forces can keep the body balanced and stable, and reduce the downward pressure of the body, that is, the pressure of the knee joint.

You can try: Mountain style, you can choose five minutes or ten minutes to start muscle strength and do not start muscle strength.

Compare your body’s feelings.


Special attention should be paid to the twisting asanas.

We have emphasized more than once that the knee joint cannot be twisted when the legs are straight; When the legs are bent, the torsion of the knee joint is also very limited.

Therefore, it must be noted that the hip joint determines the direction of the toe in the torsion posture.

Do not use the torsion of the knee joint to replace the flexibility of the hip joint.

Let me give you two examples: A.

triangle torsion.

Triangle torsion is based on the triangle posture.

In the triangle posture, the left foot is rotated by 90 degrees, the right foot is slightly buckled, and even the right foot palm is forward.

After entering the torsion, if you want to make the torsion deeper and do not know the position of moving the right foot palm, you will force the knee joint to twist.

However, when the leg is extended, the knee joint has no torsion range.

If you encounter this situation, you can rotate the right foot palm inward or even lift the heel to reduce the twisting of the leg according to your flexibility.


Double lotus double lotus is also a typical posture that allows the torsion of the knee joint to replace the flexibility of the hip joint.

Remember that the double lotus is created by the external rotation of the hip joint to create space for the knee joint, not at the expense of wearing the knee joint by the internal rotation of the lower leg.

Similar postures include: lying hero, corset angle, bird king, sleeping swan, etc.


Practice within your ability.

We always say: when you encounter difficulties and you don’t know what to do, reducing the difficulty of asana is the simplest, direct and most effective way.

There is no one.

For example, when the legs cannot be extended in the forward bending posture, choose to slightly bend the knees; When the strength is insufficient in the standing posture balance posture, choose to support the wall or use other assistance; In the standing posture twisting posture, when the flexibility is not enough, people who choose to turn the soles of their feet to reduce the range of their legs participating in the twisting are the most advanced animals.

They have wisdom to think and have various methods to relieve the pressure.

In this way, everyone has a bottom line for the pressure.

Otherwise, people will be crushed and collapse.

Besides, they are flesh and blood, do not know how to be lazy, and are always limited to the knee joints of the hip joint! If you like it, please follow me.

If you think it is useful, please share it with me and share more yoga knowledge every day..

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