New Yoga Life

The most complete set of yoga sitting postures, regular practice, anti-aging, less and less fat

Before sitting down for breath control, you should know how to sit so that your body does not become restless.

You need to know exactly the middle part of the bottom of the tailbone and sit in a way that keeps it perpendicular to the ground.

Think of this point as the South Pole and the center of the top of the spine as the North Pole—— B.

K.S.Iyengar (Iyengar) The ancients were used to sitting on the ground, while modern people are used to sitting on chairs or sofas.

Most office workers even spend nearly half of the day sitting on the office chair, so it is difficult to squat down or sit on the ground.

When you start to have problems with your knees, ankles, hips or spine due to your age, living habits, office habits, etc., you should start to slowly learn to sit in a three-dimensional pose.

In the learning of sitting posture, we will learn the correct placement of legs to make them flexible.

Learn to keep your spine neutral and return it to its normal position.

Let’s have a look at the sitting postures! 1.

Simple sitting Sukhasana This is a comfortable and safe sitting posture, suitable for beginners.

This sitting posture is conducive to the health of knees, ankles and other joints.

It can enhance the flexibility of both hips, knees and ankles, nourish and strengthen the leg nervous system, reduce or eliminate rheumatism and arthritis.

If it is uncomfortable to sit simply, you can also choose to sit cross legged.

Or put a blanket under your hips.


Thunderbolt Sitting, also known as Vajra Sitting, is a comfortable yoga sitting posture, usually suitable for yoga voice meditation, breathing techniques, simple stretching movements, etc.

Especially take a rest of at least 6 minutes by lightning sitting within 10 minutes after meals, which can quickly relieve the feeling of fullness and discomfort of stomach.


Wand Dandasana is the starting point of many sitting postures.

It is similar to the Mountain Pose in standing posture.

You can often practice to relieve abdominal flatulence and stomach diseases.

This pose also helps to eliminate waist fat and strengthen the kidneys.


Sitting and standing and bending forward – Paschimottanasana This is a common sitting posture.

It stretches the legs, thighs and hips, strengthens the thighs, improves digestion, relieves fatigue and anxiety, and relieves headache and insomnia.


The difficulty coefficient of the sitting angle style Upavistha Konasana is not large, but it is a “high difficulty” stretch for modern sedentary people.

Especially in the cold season, the bones and muscles are relatively stiff, so you need to use this pose to stretch your lower legs and back muscles.

This pose can stretch the tendons of the legs and promote blood circulation in the pelvic region.

Relieve sciatica, etc.

Beginners should strengthen the flexibility of their legs and hips.


In the Toe angle pose – Baddha Konasana exercise, pay attention to folding forward from the hips, and put the elbows against the calves to help the knee joints find the floor.

Just be comfortable and don’t force your body.

This posture is flexible in spine and promotes blood circulation of the body.

Helps open the hips and relieve sciatica.

Release estrogen to make women younger.


Ardha Matsyendrasana.

It is important to keep your front foot in position and keep your hips on the ground.

By practicing this posture, you can quickly relieve back pain, lumbago and hip pain, as well as shoulder sprains and shoulder joint displacement.

This posture can also make the liver and spleen shrink, thus strengthening the liver and spleen.


Ox Face – Gomukhasana, the shoulder and upper arm that most of us rarely use.

In practice, you will find that it is much easier to clasp your hands on one side than on the other.

This asymmetry is very common because most people prefer to use one of their hands.

This pose is flexible in joints of all parts of the body, and the muscles related to it can also be effectively strengthened, while improving the blood circulation of the body.


Half Lotus ArdhaPadmasana Half Lotus Sitting is the best sitting posture in yoga.

It is a transitional form from simple sitting to lotus sitting.

It is suitable for people who are not flexible enough.

From the point of view of yoga, this sitting posture is very suitable for breathing, breath regulation and meditation.

It relaxes the muscles of the ankles, knees and legs.


Heroic Heroic is also a good meditation posture.

Many people find it easier to hold this position when sitting for a long time than to hold the cross legged position.

You can also lie on your back.


Boat Pose Navasana If you find it difficult to straighten your legs and maintain a beautiful V shape in boat pose, please bend your knees so that your calves are parallel to the floor for half boat pose.

This should help you keep your spine straight and your thighs raised.


Single Leg Head to Knee Stretch – JanuSirsasana will bring positive effects and many benefits to the body when practicing this pose.

This pose stretches the front of the spine, eliminating stiffness in the leg muscles and hip joints.

It also improves the flexibility of all joints of the arm from the shoulder joint to the finger joint.

Head to knee and other forward bends give forebrain and heart a rest.


Head to Knee Twist Forward Bending Pose – Prevrtta Janu Sirsasana When you find balance and stability in this pose, your internal stability will become more stable, giving you a sense of calm.

At the beginning, when you practice asana, your attention is focused on the external body stretching, which will stimulate the brain.

Gradually, your consciousness will be pulled into your body to stabilize your upper body and hips, and at this time, your mind will naturally settle down.


Dove Pose – EkaPadaRajakapotasana If your hips are far from the floor when practicing Dove Pose, please put a blanket under your hips and then fold it forward..

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