New Yoga Life

Yoga “Crescent” practice like this, refine your back bend!

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There is a seemingly simple pose in yoga, which is actually very helpful to open the front of the body, that is the crescent pose.

The crescent opens the front of the hips and thighs, as well as the chest and shoulders.

If you use yoga bricks and yoga belts to assist in practice, you can open the front of the whole body very well.

Today, let’s try these methods: Step 1: the left knee touches the ground, the right foot steps on the ground, the hip sinks, the right knee does not exceed the right ankle, the brick is placed on both sides of the left thigh, the hands are placed on the brick, the chest is lifted, the shoulders rotate outward, look at the front and top, and keep breathing for 10 times.

Step 2: keep the brick position unchanged, turn the palm, and the fingertips face the back, and open the chest, Extend your head backward and keep breathing for 10 times.

Step 3: hold both sides of the brick with both hands, and extend your arms backward.

Use the strength of the brick to extend your body.

Holding bricks with both hands can help start the strength of your arms and keep breathing for 10 times.

Step 4: put the yoga belt on the back instep, and hold the yoga belt with both hands back to help extend the front of your body and keep breathing for more 10 times, Repeat all the actions on the other side.

It is recommended to do the hatha sun worship 12 moves several times.

The effect will be better after doing the above exercises!..

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