If you don’t get rid of these 10 bad habits, your yoga effect will be greatly reduced!

Yoga has always been regarded as a sport that can experience happiness and tranquility.

However, the next step is to share 10 Yoga habits, which may make you unable to really relax and experience inner peace in practice, and your yoga effect will be greatly reduced! 1.

Rhythmic breathing in yoga practice, every movement should be perfectly combined with breathing.

For example, when you begin to practice the sun salute, first inhale, raise your arms, then exhale, and slowly fold your arms forward.

Rhythmic breathing can make you get a sense of flow in yoga practice.

This can not only make practitioners feel inner peace, but also make their brain pay more attention to each action, so as to avoid injury and improve body balance.


Abdominal relaxation in the process of practicing yoga, correct breathing requires not only breathing air into the chest area, but also feeling the expansion and adduction of ribs.

In each breath, you can use your abdominal muscles to press your navel against your spine.

As you inhale, fill your chest with air and keep your abs flat.

Using abdominal muscles in breathing can not only help you breathe correctly, but also protect your waist from pain or injury.


Unnecessary tension, tight toes, shrugged shoulders and white joints, we can’t see any meaning of relaxation at all, can we? For some strong postures, you need to practice to start your whole body strength and concentrate, and adhere to the time of five breaths, but please remember to avoid unnecessary tension during this period.

To consciously relax your muscles, you don’t need to be too nervous.

Believe in yourself, you can do it! 4.

Reckless muscle stretching yoga requires us to pay attention to breathing and experience inner happiness.

However, if your character contains some competitive potential, you may have an uncontrollable desire to surpass others and try to keep consistent with their practice posture.

This is likely to strain your muscles.

When practicing, just keep it within your maximum bearing range.

You can imitate the posture of others, but don’t hurt your muscles.


No matter what kind of yoga you practice, the teacher will tell you that it is very important.

In fact, this is a very challenging pose that many people don’t want to do.

We are all good at working hard, forgetting how to calm down, doing nothing and thinking nothing.

Other postures are ploughing, and the corpse posture is harvest.


It’s hard to focus on doing your own exercises instead of comparing with others, but that’s what you should do.

Really ignore what others are doing.

When you think others are better than you, stop this idea! Similarly, don’t let yourself get too excited and feel that you are doing better than others.

Go your own way, stay true to you, stop this behavior, or you will hurt the people around you.


Monkey thinking what do you think when you practice yoga? I hope you will say no.

When practicing yoga or meditation, we will give our brain a small holiday.

Nothing else will disturb you.

Don’t have any distractions.


Moving too fast indoor cycling and crossfire fitness emphasize speed: completing specific actions in a certain time.

These fitness methods have their own.

Sometimes, high-intensity intermittent exercise can exercise the heart and lungs well.

But yoga needs to slow down.

It will be better to slow down.

Sometimes it may be more difficult to slow down.

In fact, it emphasizes the endurance of the body.

Next time, if you find yourself doing Vinyasa quickly, slow down and do each pose well, it will be more difficult.


If your feet are too far or too close, you should pay attention to many details when practicing Asana: breathe, maintain asana, focus and relax at the same time, it will be easy to breathe some details.

The distance between feet has a great influence on the positive position of the body.

Too close will cause knee pain, too far will stretch the back of the thigh too much.

How do you know how far your warrior feet are? Everyone’s body is different.

Don’t compare with others.

Ask the yoga teacher to find the distance between your feet suitable for your upright position.


Drinking water during practice seems to say that you should drink more water during exercise.

Why is Yoga different? If you really study yoga practice carefully, you will find that the ancient yoga suggests that we drink water two hours before practice and half an hour after practice.

When you practice, fire will be generated inside to help detoxify and give you energy.

And water will put out the fire.

Of course, if you are really thirsty before class, you can still drink some.

It is recommended not to drink water during practice.

Master Iyengar said, “Yoga is like music.

The rhythm of the body, the melody of the heart and the harmony of the soul create a symphony of life.” Bad habits in the process of yoga practice are like out of tune music.

You need to adjust in time and form good Yoga habits in order to make your yoga to a higher level…

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