New Yoga Life

Open your hips in all directions. It’s enough to collect this set of yoga poses. The effect is great!

Because of sedentary and little exercise, our crotch will be very tight.

That’s what we often call the hip.

What happens when the hip is tight? Can cause lower back pain.

If you practice hard, you will find that tight hips will prevent you from doing many difficult postures.

Hip tightness is also divided into front, rear, outer and inner.

Hip tightness is related to the muscles around it, mainly the muscles of the thigh.

So we have to stretch the inside, outside and back of our thighs, and slowly, the hips open.

– 11 individual hip opening – 1 happy baby for the part: inner thigh tensile strength: lie down low, bend your knees, grasp the outside of your feet with both hands, pull your heels down, keep your knees as close to the ground as possible, and keep your shoulders on the ground, Relax the neck and keep it for at least 30 seconds.


Supine beam angle position: tensile strength of the inner thigh: lie down in the middle, bend the knees, keep the soles of the feet opposite, keep the heels as close as possible to the perineum, sink the knees, reach the chest and lower ribs with both hands, and keep it for at least 30 seconds.


Frog position: tensile strength of the inner thigh: high to the four corner bench position, and support the ground with both hands and elbows, Open the knees to both sides, keep the hips and two knees in a straight line, keep the thighs and lower legs vertical, try to let the hips sink and stick to the ground, keep the chest open for at least 30 seconds.

4 needle type target position: tensile strength on the outside of the thigh: lie down slightly, bend the knee, put the left ankle on the right thigh close to the knee, bend the elbow, pull the thigh close to the chest, and keep the shoulder close to the ground, Relax the neck for at least 30 seconds.

5.5 pigeon pose: tensile strength on the outside of the thigh: middle down dog pose, right foot forward, lower leg close to the ground, parallel to the front cushion as far as possible, the soles of the feet hook back, the hind legs straighten, thighs, knees and insteps close to the ground, slightly rotate inward, hands overlap, and forehead on the hand, Keep the chest above the lower leg for at least 30 seconds.


Double pigeon pose: tensile strength on the outside of the thigh: sit up straight, bend the knees, keep the lower leg parallel to the edge of the cushion, hook the soles of the feet back, align the knees and ankles up and down, try to let the upper knee find the lower heel for at least 30 seconds.


Low lunge pose: tensile strength of hip flexor: slightly start from the lower dog, Bend the right foot forward, bend the knee, align the knee with the ankle, keep the back of the knee on the ground, keep the instep close to the ground, and extend the hands upward for at least 30 seconds.

8 high lunge position: hip flexor tensile strength: start from the lower dog, move the right foot forward, align the knee with the ankle, step on the ground with the back foot, and raise the heel, Straighten your legs, extend your hands upward and keep them together for at least 30 seconds.

9 camel pose: hip flexor tensile strength: touch the ground with your knees high, open them the same width as your hips, and keep your legs, ankles and insteps close to the ground.

Extend your hands upward, then come back to your heels, keep your hips pushing forward, and bend your thoracic vertebrae upward and backward just above your knees to protect your lumbar spine.

If your hands can’t grasp your heels, you can step on the ground with your toes, Keep the heel up for at least 30 seconds.

10 hero sitting (brick) target position: internal rotation tensile strength: slightly touch the ground on the knee, the same width as the hip.

Sit on bricks with your legs, ankles, insteps and hips on the ground.

Relax your hands above your thighs and keep them for at least 30 seconds.

11 lying heroes target parts: internal rotation tensile strength: strong.

On the basis of the previous pose, take away the brick and lie back.

Relax your hands and keep your back, shoulders and back of your head close to the ground for at least 30 seconds.

Moreover, the action of opening your hips mainly depends on a long time.

It is very suitable for practice before going to bed at night.

While opening your hips, you can improve your sleep and kill two birds with one stone! Do you want to receive such Yoga information every day? You can go back to the top and click the blue font to meet you in yoga.

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