New Yoga Life

7 Yoga eating skills, so that you don’t look old at the age of 70!

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! You know what? India, the birthplace of yoga, has developed a unique “Yoga restaurant”, which is mainly because many Indians have the habit of practicing yoga every day, cooperate with diet and strengthen the effect of yoga.

After the global Yoga craze in recent years, more and more countries began to pay attention to the diet of Yoga meal, which is not only helpful to physical health, but also makes the mind more peaceful and happy.

According to yoga meal, all substances in nature contain three properties: pleasant food, inert food and denatured food.

Substances that seem to be classified can actually be eaten, but their properties will not be the same.

Yuexing food Yuexing food is the most suitable food for Yoga people.

It mainly focuses on all fruits and vegetables, bean products, milk, dairy products, nuts, mild spices and moderate green tea, all cereal products and so on.

Long term consumption of pleasant food can make the body healthy, relaxed and energetic, cultivate noble sentiment and make the mind more peaceful and happy.

Inert food inert food refers to meat, alcohol, tobacco, garlic, onions, brewed food and rotten food.

These foods are prone to laziness, disease and mental retardation.

Irritant food irritant food includes strong tea, strong flavoring, white radish, kelp, chocolate, and other foods that can provide energy with too much spices, salt and pepper.

Although irritant food is good for the body but not for the mind, it is still something to avoid in yoga meals.

However, if you want to become more and more beautiful and slim by learning Yoga eating skills, you can follow the following three principles.


Eat more pleasant food: pleasant food is the purest and most suitable food for Yoga people at present.


Vegan can clean up toxins in the body.

You can choose some dried fruits, dairy products, green leafy vegetables and beans, which are rich in high-quality protein.


Eat less or no foods containing chemicals and irritants.

Foods containing caffeine, alcohol and artificial sweeteners will affect the brain and make it difficult to concentrate.

If you have the habit of drinking green tea and flowers, you can choose to drink green tea.

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