New Yoga Life

These 10 yoga postures can be changed in this way

Classic yoga poses are not only of great benefit, but also have a long history.

So to respect these classic asanas, it can also become interesting by adding variants.

These variants help you activate different muscle groups.

Today’s sequence consists of classic asanas, with some variants added.

Each pose opens the body in its own way.

01 cat pose • come to four legged bench pose.

The wrist is aligned with the shoulder, and the knee is aligned with the hip • inhale the tailbone upward, the abdomen sinks, and the thoracic spine upward • exhale the tailbone downward, the navel retracts, and the arched back upward • repeat the 02 needle piercing variant 10 times • first from the four legged bench, land on the left shoulder, and the left hand passes through the right side • extend the right hand forward, land on the left cheek • then straighten the right leg to the side, and grasp the right calf with the left hand, Let the body twist more • keep 8-10 breaths 03 Pug variant • start with the four corner bench, hands forward, chest down • then straighten the right leg to the side • keep 8-10 breaths 04 dog variant • start with the down dog, heel on the ground, thigh straight, back extended, hands pressing the ground • then put the right ankle above the left thigh, bend the left leg slightly • keep 8-10 breaths, Side change 05 high lunge variant • start from high lunge, bend your right knee 90 °, raise your left heel, straighten your left leg, and put your hands up • keep your hind legs stable, twist your body to the right, turn your right hand to your left thigh, and extend your left hand upward • maintain 8-10 breaths, side change 06 twist lunge and twist triangle • start from twist lunge, bend your right knee 90 °, hold your left hand on the ground, and put your right hand up • then slowly straighten your right knee, Keep your balance and stability • keep 8-10 breaths, change sides 07 lizard variant • start from the low lunge, bend your right knee 90 °, straighten your left leg back, touch your knee to the ground, put your instep on the ground, and hold your hands on the inside of your right foot • then keep your left hand on the ground, extend your right hand upward, bend your left knee, and hold your left instep back with your right hand • keep 8-10 breaths, change sides 08 double angle variant • start from double angle, open the length of one leg, and hold your hands on the ground, Shoulder width • then straighten your right hand forward, hold the outside of your right ankle with your left hand to the right, and twist to the ceiling • keep breathing for 8-10 times, change sides, 09 sit and stand, needle piercing variant • sit and stand with your hands back, bend your left knee and step on the ground with the soles of your feet.

Bend your right knee and place your ankle over your left thigh • then twist to the left and hold your right hand against the floor of your right foot • maintain 8-10 breaths and 10 supine needle threading variants • lie down and bend your left knee.

Bend your right knee and place your ankle over your left thigh.

Hold the lower part of the left thigh with both hands • then grasp the two insteps, step on the ground with the right foot, touch the instep of the left calf, turn to the right • keep breathing for 8-10 times..

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