New Yoga Life

People who get up early to practice yoga are more terrible than staying up late!

Check Yoga knowledge every day.

Many people read too many inspirational stories and mistakenly think that staying up late is struggling.

As everyone knows, it is never going to bed late, but getting up early that pulls the gap between people 1 – get up early yoga, the first secret of health preservation.

Now stay up late, stay up all night, get up late, everyone is used to it.

Too many people fall into a dead cycle of unable to sleep at night, unable to get up in the morning, regretting the next day and sleeping too late yesterday.

Long term irregular life, as well as a confused and anxious state of mind, make the body and mind suffer double torture, and disease also follows.

The research theme of the 2017 Nobel Prize winner in physiology or medicine is the human body’s biological clock.

The research results show that when people’s lifestyle is aligned with the biological clock, people’s risk of various diseases may increase.

If you go to bed early and get up early according to the law of the biological clock, your body’s immunity will be enhanced and the risk of illness will be reduced.

I have always advised you to get up early yoga.

Whether young or old, people who are used to getting up early can not only show better state in the work and life of the day, be healthier, but also be more likely to feel happy in life.

– 2 – get up early, you can refresh your spirit.

There is a saying in Zengguang Xianwen: “get up early, get up late, and panic.” Get up early in the morning and have enough time to take care of the things that should be done.

Getting up late is easy to be in a hurry and leave the things that should be done in a hurry.

In fact, the two hours after getting up early is the peak of efficiency in study and work.

In this era, interference is the biggest time steal.

Two hours after getting up early, start the most important or thorny work of the day.

Bite off the hard bones first, and you can finish it easily in the rest of the day.

Only those who can control the morning can control life.

– 3 – successful people have the habit of getting up early.

Really strong people never stay up late and work hard all night, but use the way of getting up early to open a new day.

Tim Cook, CEO of apple, gets up at 3:45 every morning and works late into the night.

The first one to arrive at the office every day and the last one to leave.

A trip of Wang Jianlin, the richest man, was exposed on Weibo.

Netizens were stunned and got up at 4 a.m! Sure enough, the small goal is not just talk.

There is a reason why people are so rich.

Li Ka Shing always keeps the habit of getting up early.

No matter how late he goes to bed every day, he will get up on time at 6 o’clock the next morning.

Listen to the news, play golf for an hour and a half, and work in the office before 8 o’clock.

Foreign scholars have spent five years studying the daily habits of 177 successful self-made people.

99% of them have the habit of getting up early.

A person’s attitude towards the morning determines his height of life.

Therefore, if you always feel that you are doing nothing, you might as well start early! ▽ one day in the morning.

When you are still struggling to stay in bed for 10 minutes or 5 minutes in your sleep, those who get up early have already started a wonderful day.

Zeng Guofan said, “it is better to get up early than to quit laziness.” If you want to be better, you need to make up your mind to change yourself.

Where to change yourself? You might as well get up early.

(pictures and texts are from the network.

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