New Yoga Life

Sitting for a long time hurts your waist! 6 sets of yoga sequences to relieve back discomfort, one for each person (collection level)

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Many people who practice yoga will have such questions.

Is there no yoga therapy sequence to relieve back pain? In fact, there are many yoga physiotherapy sequences to alleviate back pain, but we still need to analyze specific problems.

For example, the training methods for upper back pain and lower back pain may be different.

Today, Xiao Bian shared 6 sets of yoga sequences for relieving back pain.

You can choose the appropriate exercise according to your specific situation.

I hope it can help you.

The 1st to 3rd sets of physical therapy yoga sequence for relieving “upper back” pain 1.

This set of yin yoga movements is very simple.

Note that during the practice process, only 7 component movements are needed to slow and stretch a set of exercises.

The tension and pain of the injured back will disappear quickly.

Each movement can be kept for a longer time according to your own situation.


This set of physical therapy movements is mainly aimed at the upper back movements, which are also simple and have a good physical therapy effect on the shoulders and neck, The pain of the upper back and shoulder neck will be alleviated very well.

3 this set of upper back physiotherapy sequences is very comprehensive.

It can not only effectively alleviate upper back pain in daily life, but also often practice and prevent back pain diseases.

4-6 sets of physiotherapy Yoga sequences to alleviate “lower back” pain.

4 this set of physiotherapy sequences, Belonging to Iyengar physical therapy sequence, the positive position and accuracy of Iyengar yoga are also self-evident in alleviating pain.

Those who have not tried it can try this set of physical therapy Yoga sequence lying down, The minimum pressure on the spine and lumbar vertebrae is suitable for the Jiaren exercise where the waist pain is relatively serious and the waist can not bear the weight and pressure temporarily.

6 This yoga sequence belongs to the yin yoga physical therapy sequence.

The tension of the lower back and the front of the thigh is relieved through stretching and relaxation.

The core action is strengthened to balance the abdominal pain compensation.

All Jiaren must choose the exercises that are suitable for their own waist and back problems to relieve the pain.

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